M3 Enrichment Program (Murray, Mind, Magic) These after-school enrichment programs are taught by teachers and community members. M3 classes are held Monday-Friday immediately after school during three six-week sessions throughout the year. Volunteers are needed from 1 to 5 days per week from 2:15 – 2:40 to check-in and record attendance of M3 students.
Landscaping and School Garden Murrays landscaping and beautiful garden space couldn’t be maintained without the help of our parent volunteers. Green thumbs are not required! While County and school staff handle regular grass cutting, leaf blowing, and basic maintenance, this committee does extra work to beautify our school grounds. This includes periodic weeding and mulching, replacing plants as necessary, maintaining the Nature Trail, and maintaining the fenced garden (if time permits). They also organize a “Day of Caring” in September when community volunteers (through the United Way) visit and help with grounds improvements. Volunteers can commit as little or as much time as they can give at any time they choose. Garden beds provide space for Murray classes to do gardening projects as a learning experience. Parents from each classroom volunteer to help maintain the beds and work with the kids on projects.
Helping Hands The Helping Hands program works with VLM and other local organizations in an effort to teach children the importance of volunteerism and helping others.
New Family Hospitality The PTO welcomes new families to Murray with phone calls to answer questions and a welcome reception.
Hospitality Committee (aka Teacher Appreciation) Hospital & Staff Appreciation provides meals, snacks, and appreciation events for VLM faculty and staff on select teacher workdays and special occasions. Many hands are needed to assist with treats, decorating, hosting, set up, cleanup, crafts, and organizing. Any knowledge of or connections with catering/food business is a plus. Any volunteer hours are appreciated. Time commitment can vary from one to many hours, depending on interest and availability. There is a particular need for volunteers willing to help on an occasional non-school week day to assist with a teacher workday luncheon. Help is sometimes needed to pass out treats before school begins (early morning). Some tasks can be completed at home on the members’ own time. There are opportunities to donate food or supplies. Work on this committee can be extremely rewarding because it shows our appreciation and support for our school’s outstanding teachers and staff.
Family Council Murray is represented by a parent who attends county meetings, keeping us updated on important dates and events in the county school system.
Cultural Enrichment Various artists visit the school providing the students with opportunities to learn about the performing arts and other cultural enriching areas. Murray Shirts Parents and kids alike can show off their Murray Mustang spirit with a VLM shirt. Order forms come in backpack mail or by simply asking the Murray front desk to purchase one.
School Directory The directory includes contact information for Murray families, and is updated and distributed at the beginning of each school year. Chair: Sonnia Kesser