Sarah Mayo
Birthday: 07/14
Position: TA in the morning and Site Facilitator for EDEP in the afternoon.
Favorite Beverage: Coffee/Diet Coke/diet Cranberry Ginger Ale
Favorite Snack: Chocolate, fruit and nuts
Favorite Treats: Banana bread, chocolate
Favorite Lunch: Roots/Mi Rancho/Sals Pizza
Favorite Restaurant: Mi Rancho/Sals Pizza
Favorite Color: blue/red/ Hunter Green/yellow
Favorite Gift Card to receive: Amazon
Hobbies: Watching classical movies
"I am most encouraged when..." when my students are happy and excited.
"Parents can help me by..." Parents here are awesome and already do a lot
Love language: any
Position: TA in the morning and Site Facilitator for EDEP in the afternoon.
Favorite Beverage: Coffee/Diet Coke/diet Cranberry Ginger Ale
Favorite Snack: Chocolate, fruit and nuts
Favorite Treats: Banana bread, chocolate
Favorite Lunch: Roots/Mi Rancho/Sals Pizza
Favorite Restaurant: Mi Rancho/Sals Pizza
Favorite Color: blue/red/ Hunter Green/yellow
Favorite Gift Card to receive: Amazon
Hobbies: Watching classical movies
"I am most encouraged when..." when my students are happy and excited.
"Parents can help me by..." Parents here are awesome and already do a lot
Love language: any