Peggy Newton
Birthday: July 26
Class Taught/Position Held: Cafeteria Manager
Favorite Beverage(s): Diet Mt. Dew
Favorite Snack(s): Ice Cream
Favorite Treats(s): lays potato chips, Cake
Favorite Lunch: Woodgrill
Favorite Restaurant(s): Red Lobster
Favorite Color(s): Red
Favorite Place(s) to Shop: Kohls and Belk
Favorite gift card to receive: Visa
Hobbies: crochet and painting
“I am most encouraged when people like what I cook.”
“Parents can help me throughout the year by checking child's accounts and allowing them to eat the meals prepared in the cafeteria."
Class Taught/Position Held: Cafeteria Manager
Favorite Beverage(s): Diet Mt. Dew
Favorite Snack(s): Ice Cream
Favorite Treats(s): lays potato chips, Cake
Favorite Lunch: Woodgrill
Favorite Restaurant(s): Red Lobster
Favorite Color(s): Red
Favorite Place(s) to Shop: Kohls and Belk
Favorite gift card to receive: Visa
Hobbies: crochet and painting
“I am most encouraged when people like what I cook.”
“Parents can help me throughout the year by checking child's accounts and allowing them to eat the meals prepared in the cafeteria."