Jen Donalson
Name: Jen Donalson
Birthday:January 5
Class Taught/Position Held: Third Grade Teacher
Favorite Beverage(s): tea
Favorite Snack(s): nuts
Favorite Treats(s): Cookies, chocolate
Favorite Lunch: Cava
Favorite Restaurant(s): Revolutionary Soup, Sticks
Favorite Color(s): purple
Favorite Place(s) to Shop: Any restaurant gift card
Hobbies: Hiking
“I am most encouraged when I get a heartfelt note.”
“Parents can help me throughout the year by reading newsletters, helping with homework.”
“Parents can help me from home by encouraging reading every day.”
Love language: any
Birthday:January 5
Class Taught/Position Held: Third Grade Teacher
Favorite Beverage(s): tea
Favorite Snack(s): nuts
Favorite Treats(s): Cookies, chocolate
Favorite Lunch: Cava
Favorite Restaurant(s): Revolutionary Soup, Sticks
Favorite Color(s): purple
Favorite Place(s) to Shop: Any restaurant gift card
Hobbies: Hiking
“I am most encouraged when I get a heartfelt note.”
“Parents can help me throughout the year by reading newsletters, helping with homework.”
“Parents can help me from home by encouraging reading every day.”
Love language: any