Emilie Pastorfield
Birthday: January 6
Class Taught/Position Held: Second Grade Teacher
Favorite Beverage(s): Non-Sweet Tea
Favorite Snack(s): Fruit and Nut Bar & Pretzels
Favorite Treats(s): Rice Krispie Treats, Potato Chips
Favorite Lunch: Bodo's tuna, swiss & sprouts on a everything bagel
Favorite Restaurant(s): Vivace
Favorite Color(s): blue
Favorite Place(s) to Shop: Amazon
Hobbies: Gardening on my deck and drawing.
"I am most encouraged when..." my students feel that it is ok to take risks and our curious.
"Parents can help me by..." helping in the garden.
Love language: any
Class Taught/Position Held: Second Grade Teacher
Favorite Beverage(s): Non-Sweet Tea
Favorite Snack(s): Fruit and Nut Bar & Pretzels
Favorite Treats(s): Rice Krispie Treats, Potato Chips
Favorite Lunch: Bodo's tuna, swiss & sprouts on a everything bagel
Favorite Restaurant(s): Vivace
Favorite Color(s): blue
Favorite Place(s) to Shop: Amazon
Hobbies: Gardening on my deck and drawing.
"I am most encouraged when..." my students feel that it is ok to take risks and our curious.
"Parents can help me by..." helping in the garden.
Love language: any