Elaine BRoadus
Birthday: April 12
Class Taught/Position Held: First Grade Teacher
Favorite Beverage(s): unsweetened ice tea with lemon, diet coke
Favorite Snack(s): popcorn, nuts, salty and sweet snacks, chocolate
Favorite Treats(s): Anything chocolate, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, pumpkin bread or muffins
Favorite Lunch: Bodos
Favorite Restaurant(s): Vivace’s, Duner’s, Fardowner’s
Favorite Color(s): blue
Favorite Place(s) to Shop: TJ Maxx, Amazon
Hobbies: Traveling, reading, visiting my girls
“I am most encouraged when my class is positive and excited about learning.”
“Parents can help me by encouraging your child to read at home and by working together as partners to help your child grow and learn."
Love Language: receiving gifts
Class Taught/Position Held: First Grade Teacher
Favorite Beverage(s): unsweetened ice tea with lemon, diet coke
Favorite Snack(s): popcorn, nuts, salty and sweet snacks, chocolate
Favorite Treats(s): Anything chocolate, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, pumpkin bread or muffins
Favorite Lunch: Bodos
Favorite Restaurant(s): Vivace’s, Duner’s, Fardowner’s
Favorite Color(s): blue
Favorite Place(s) to Shop: TJ Maxx, Amazon
Hobbies: Traveling, reading, visiting my girls
“I am most encouraged when my class is positive and excited about learning.”
“Parents can help me by encouraging your child to read at home and by working together as partners to help your child grow and learn."
Love Language: receiving gifts