Dennis Weston
Birthday: May 18
Class Taught/Position Held: PE teacher
Favorite Beverage(s): Sugar free lemonade or hot chocolate
Favorite Snack(s): Peanut Butter M&Ms
Favorite Treats(s): White cheddar popcorn, jerky, ice cream, cheese, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, pie
Favorite Lunch: Smoked
Favorite Restaurant(s): Starr Hill, Texas Roadhouse, Sals
Favorite Color(s): Mustard yellow
Favorite Gift Card: Restaurants
Hobbies: Tennis, hockey, board games, the outdoors
Love language: receiving gifts
Class Taught/Position Held: PE teacher
Favorite Beverage(s): Sugar free lemonade or hot chocolate
Favorite Snack(s): Peanut Butter M&Ms
Favorite Treats(s): White cheddar popcorn, jerky, ice cream, cheese, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, pie
Favorite Lunch: Smoked
Favorite Restaurant(s): Starr Hill, Texas Roadhouse, Sals
Favorite Color(s): Mustard yellow
Favorite Gift Card: Restaurants
Hobbies: Tennis, hockey, board games, the outdoors
Love language: receiving gifts